Microbiology Treatment in Jaipur
Microbiology Test in Hospital | Microbiology Hospital Lab | Manipal Hospitals


Microbiology Test in Hospital

Microbiology studies microorganisms, which are microscopic organisms. Learning about these tiny organisms we can not see with the naked eye is essential to understand diseases and treatments. Some examples of microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, and prions. One of the main goals of microbiology is to identify the disease's cause and ways to prevent it from spreading. At Manipal Hospitals, we have a dedicated team of the best Microbiologists in Jaipur to help understand the underlying causes of diseases.

Microbiology Treatment in Jaipur


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

Manipal Hospitals is the best hospital in Jaipur for clinical microbiology that offers fast identification of infectious diseases that result from microorganisms. Our laboratories offer a comprehensive range of microbiology tests. 

Our facilities include Immunoassays, molecular methods, and treatment guidelines for microbial diseases. We have a state-of-the-art laboratory for Blood Tests, Molecular Biology, Haematology, and Clinical Pathology.

Manipal Hospitals also offers personalized health care with state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities to diagnose any disease early. Get the best Microbiology Treatment in Jaipur with the help of the finest microbiology doctors at Manipal Hospitals.

Microbiology Treatment in Jaipur
Types of Microorganisms 


Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that live in the human body. They can cause a variety of diseases, including Strep Throat and Pneumonia.

Bacteria spread through contact with infected people or animals, including through coughing and sneezing. They also spread through contaminated surfaces and food.


Fungi are organisms around for hundreds of millions of years, consisting of tiny filaments called Hyphae that grow in a mass called Mycelium on dead or decaying matter, like leaves or wood. Some fungi can also live on plants and animals.

Fungi spread disease by releasing spores into the air that then travel to other areas. When they land on something living, they can grow back into the Hyphae and produce spores again.


Protozoa are single-celled organisms that live in water, soil, or the bodies of other animals. Protozoa can harm humans and other animals if they invade the body and cause disease.

Most protozoa do not cause disease in humans. However, some species can cause various infections in humans and animals. Some protozoa can also spread from one animal to another, resulting in a disease outbreak among other animals or humans. The most common protozoan diseases include Malaria and Amoebiasis.


A virus is a disease-causing agent that can only replicate inside the living cells of other organisms. It comprises a small genetic material, Ribonucleic Acid (RNA), and sometimes a protein coat. Viruses are not technically alive but can reproduce and spread to other organisms without being killed.

Viruses spread by attaching themselves to a cell, hijacking the cell's machinery, and forcing it to produce more viruses that break out of the host cell and infect new cells.


Prions are infectious proteins causing disease in animals and humans. They are the causative agents of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs), also known as Prion Diseases.

Prions spread through direct contact with infected tissue, by eating food contaminated with prions, or through contamination from saliva, urine, faeces, and other bodily fluids. These infections are rare, but they are fatal once symptoms appear.

Diagnostic Facilities


Bacteriology is the study of Bacteria. Bacteria are typically studied using laboratory techniques such as culturing on agar plates or in liquid media. They can also be studied using genetic techniques such as PCR or sequencing to identify the bacteria in a sample.

Bacteria can cause infections in humans under certain conditions, such as a weak immune system or when they have an open wound that provides an entry point for bacteria.


Virology studies viruses and involves virus particles' identification, isolation, and characterisation. Virology lab tests include:

  • The Titre Test determines the number of virus copies in a blood or tissue sample.

  • Serology involves extracting antibodies from the blood and testing them against antigens to identify the ones in the body.

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplifies DNA to detect with a microscope or other instruments.


Parasitology studies Parasites, organisms that feed on another organism (the host) and get some benefit from it.

Parasites can be either Endoparasite, which lives inside the host's body, or Ectoparasites, which live outside the host's body.

Parasites can cause human disease by infecting them directly or indirectly through their hosts.

Laboratory tests for parasites include Fecal Flotation, Microscopic Examination of Feces for eggs or larvae, and Stool Culture.

Diseases caused by parasites include Malaria, Hookworm infection, Giardiasis (also called Beaver Fever), and Elephantitis (also called Filariasis).

Infectious Diseases Serology

Serology detects the presence of antibodies in the blood. The immune system produces antibodies when recognising an antigen, a body substance causing an immune response. The presence of antibodies indicates that the body has been exposed to that antigen and has already begun to fight it off.

Serologic tests can diagnose infectious diseases such as Syphilis, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and HIV. They can also be used for monitoring treatment for these diseases as well as for other infections like Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Measles.

Hepatitis and HIV

Hepatitis is a term for inflammation of the liver. Viruses and other toxins can cause Hepatitis. HIV is a virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). This infection significantly reduces the body's infection and disease-fighting ability.

Lab tests that analyse blood or urine samples can identify Hepatitis. Some common types are Hepatitis A, B, C, and D.

Lab tests that analyse blood or saliva samples and symptoms such as fever, rash, diarrhoea, and weight loss can identify HIV.

Mycology and Mycobacteriology

Mycology studies Fungi. Mycobacteriology studies Mycobacterium, a bacteria genus found in soil and water. The most common species of Mycobacterium are M. Tuberculosis, M. Leprae, and M. Bovis.

Several lab tests, including Gram Staining and Culture Testing, can identify Mycobacterium.

Diseases caused by Mycobacterium include Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Brucellosis, Scrofula, and Yaws.

Visit the best hospital in Jaipur in order to get a consultation with a team of experts.

Facilities Available at Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur

Manipal Hospitals is the best Microbiology hospital in Jaipur. Our world-class facilities include:

  • Treatment of Infectious Diseases like:
  • Osteomyelitis

  • Sepsis 

  • Bacterial Infections

  • Fungal Infections

  • Viral Infections

  • Tropical Diseases

  • Endocarditis

  • Infected Pressure Ulcers

  • Post-Surgical Wound Infections

  • Cellulitis


  • Hepatitis B and C Diagnostic Services

  • Pre-International Travel Evaluations

  • Post-Travel Infection Evaluation

The microbiology test in the hospital at Manipal Hospitals ensures accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Microbiology Treatment in Jaipur

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