Pediatric Infectious Disease Hospital in Old Airport road
Pediatric Infectious Disease Hospital in Old Airport road

Paediatric Infectious Disease

Top Pediatric Infectious Disease Hospital in Old Airport road

Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road earns recognition for its expertise in treating a wide range of paediatric infectious diseases, thanks to a team of highly qualified paediatric ID (infectious disease) specialists, it provides the best care for kids with contagious illnesses. Their comprehensive approach encompasses precise diagnostic methods, scientifically supported treatment regimens, and a dedication to reducing discomfort and distress. Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road emphasises immunisations and educates parents about infection control procedures.

Pediatric Infectious Disease Hospital in Old Airport road


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road is the top choice for treating paediatric infectious diseases because of its internationally recognised competence, exceptionally skilled infectious disease specialists, cutting-edge technology, and scientifically proven treatment methods. The hospital uses a collaborative strategy to bring together medical know-how, tender care, and family-oriented assistance to provide a caring environment for young patients and their families. Manipal Hospitals has always strongly emphasised the importance of preventative measures. It is an essential part of community education and immunisation programmes that aim to lower the burden of infectious diseases in the population.

Pediatric Infectious Disease Hospital in Old Airport road

Infections and Sepsis

Sepsis is a fatal illness that develops when the body's immune system overreacts to an infection, ultimately causing systemic inflammation. Initial detection and intervention are essential, and these processes often entail immediate delivery of antibiotics, fluid resuscitation, and supportive care. Control measures and vaccinations can assist in preventing infection, and sepsis is the immune system's reaction to it. In other words, sepsis cannot happen unless a condition exists somewhere in the body. Bone infections such as septic arthritis and osteomyelitis, which involve pathogen invasion into the joints and bones, are among them. 

Patients with compromised immune systems, such as those receiving chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapies, such as those with immunological deficiencies or immunocompromised conditions, are more likely to contract infections. Infections involving the skin and soft tissues, such as necrotising fasciitis, cellulitis, and pyomyositis, are frequent and can cause severe tissue damage. Despite their rarity, ovarian infections can still happen and necessitate immediate medical intervention. Early diagnosis, proper treatment, and efficient infection control measures are essential to manage these various illnesses and stop the development of sepsis.

  • Treatment

The management of sepsis must start right away. At the top pediatric infectious disease hospital in Old Airport Road, rapid diagnosis and treatment are the most crucial aspects of the sepsis regimen. The children will typically be admitted to the hospital's intensive care unit for specialised care if their doctor diagnoses them with sepsis. The following therapies are possible:

Antibiotics are administered if diagnosed with a bacterial infection. Fluids administered intravenously (IV) are necessary to keep the children's blood pressure from falling too low and to keep the blood flowing to their organs. Vasopressor medications constrict blood vessels. In certain circumstances, children may require them to achieve healthy blood pressure. In case of organ failure, children will require further sepsis therapies like dialysis for kidney failure or mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure and removal of damaged tissue, which may require surgery.

Tuberculosis Management

The bacteria that primarily causes tuberculosis (TB) is called Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which affects the lungs. When a person with tuberculosis coughs, sneezes or sings, tiny droplets of the bacterium are released into the air and spread the disease. Another individual can inhale these droplets, causing the bacteria to get into their lungs.

A mycobacterial infection called disseminated tuberculosis occurs when mycobacteria spread across the blood or lymphatic system from the lungs to other body regions. Drug-resistant tuberculosis develops when germs resist the medications used to treat the disease, indicating that the medicine is no longer effective in killing the TB germs. The same methods used to disseminate drug-susceptible TB also apply to the spread of drug-resistant TB (DR TB). One individual can infect another with TB by breathing infected air. 

  • Treatment

The most effective way to cure tuberculosis (TB) is to take medicines for at least six months. Your children may additionally require administering prescribed steroids for a few weeks if TB has gone to the spinal cord, brain, or the region around the children’s heart.

The PID specialist will administer a combination of antibiotics to treat widespread tuberculosis. While disseminated TB typically necessitates a longer duration of antibiotic therapy, the treatment approach at the best pulmonology hospital in Old Airport Road, Bangalore, remains the same as that for pulmonary tuberculosis, with the infection requiring treatment for 6 to 12 months.

Complicated Pneumonia & Lung Abscess

The development of significant lung infection and inflammation is a defining feature of complicated pneumonia and lung abscess, two dangerous respiratory diseases. Complications may occur when an infection progresses and an abscess or localised collection of pus forms. Anaerobic bacteria and bacterial infections like Staphylococcus aureus are frequent culprits. Chest pain, a persistent fever, a cough that produces foul-smelling sputum, and breathing problems are all symptoms. Sputum samples get examined during imaging examinations for diagnosis. Antibiotics are frequently used with supportive care to treat symptoms and encourage healing, as well as the potential draining of abscesses.

  • Treatment

Patients receive antibiotics for three to eight weeks intravenously after which oral antibiotics will be suggested, depending on the improvement. Drainage may be necessary if your children’s abscess has a six-centimetre diameter. When inserting the drain into the abscess via the chest wall, the doctor will utilise a CT scan as guidance. Surgery is occasionally required to remove the portion of the lung with the abscess. When the infection is severe, the doctor will remove the entire lung and the foreign object is removed through surgery.

Tropical diseases Management

Tropical medicine has developed into a crucial field for studying these infectious diseases, also called tropical diseases. Tropical diseases are a broad category of diseases common in tropical and subtropical areas. Mosquitoes cause the parasite disease Malaria whereas tainted animal products spread the bacterial infection Brucellosis. Ticks, mites, or fleas transmit the bacterial infection Rickettsial, and mosquitoes spread the viral disease Dengue. Thorough preventative measures, early detection, and appropriate medical therapies are necessary to reduce the impact of these diseases on people and communities in the affected regions.

  • Treatment

Malaria is treated with certain medications to eliminate the parasite. Some parasites may not be susceptible to certain medications, in such cases, combinations of drugs may be recommended.

A doctor must establish a diagnosis of brucellosis infection before starting the treatment. Antibodies formed against the bacteria can also be detected using a blood test. Once the doctor confirms the diagnosis, they can prescribe antibiotics. The disease results in a low mortality rate, with only 2% of individuals succumbing to brucellosis.

In treating Rickettsial infections, doctors typically prescribe antibiotics to combat the bacterial infection. The specific choice of antibiotics depends on the type of Rickettsial infection and its severity, with oral medications commonly used to eliminate the bacteria effectively.

Physicians closely monitor Dengue using supportive care, such as hydration, temperature management, and painkillers. When a patient's health is critical, medical practitioners must administer required measures such as blood transfusions or intravenous fluids to stabilise the patient's condition and avoid consequences.

Congenital infections

Congenital infections are typically caused by viruses, which the baby can catch at any point in the mother’s womb from conception until delivery. The viruses first infect the mother, which may then get transmitted to the child directly through the placenta or after the child is delivered and travelling through the birth canal. Some common congenital infections are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Herpes, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), toxoplasmosis, and syphilis.

Mothers typically have no symptoms of the infections, and they occasionally exhibit flu-like symptoms. Even if the mother is known to suffer from a viral infection while pregnant, the foetus or newborn child may not get the virus due to the mother's immune system being protective of the baby. 


The infection, congenital herpes simplex, is brought through uterine exposure. Congenital herpes is typically contracted in the birth canal during delivery, while it is rare for a baby to get infected in the uterus or right after birth.

Antiviral drugs will be administered intravenously (via an IV) for many weeks if your kid has congenital herpes. Different medications are used to treat congenital herpes. For the different herpes symptoms, additional treatment could be required.


The cytomegalovirus, often known as CMV, is a widespread virus that affects people of all ages, including newborns. It can cause congenital disabilities in newborns. 

Induction therapy, typically solid drugs administered intravenously (via a vein) for a few weeks, may be used to treat retinitis brought on by CMV and after a while, doctors may shift to other medications. 


Toxoplasmosis is an infection that is caused by Toxoplasma gondii -  a single-celled parasite. This parasite has a wide range of intermediate hosts in addition to parasitising cats as its final host. It transfers to babies through transplacental acquisition. The infection may be mild in the mother but can cause serious health issues in a baby.

Toxoplasmosis is typically curable in healthy individuals without medical intervention, and infant drug treatment may extend for one to two years. Regular follow-up consultations must be scheduled to monitor for side effects, eyesight difficulties, and physical, intellectual, and overall growth.

Congenital Syphilis

Congenital syphilis is a serious infection that can be passed from a mother to her unborn baby during pregnancy. It is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, the same bacterium that causes syphilis in adults. 

Penicillin is the only antibiotic that is effective against the bacteria that cause syphilis. This can be prevented by treating the mother with antibiotics before or during pregnancy. The baby also receives antibiotics, even if they don’t have symptoms. The dose of penicillin for newborns depends on the baby's weight and age. They also need to be tested for other infections, such as HIV and hepatitis B.


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the primary cause of the chronic, potentially fatal illness known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV hinders the body's capacity to fend off infection and disease by weakening the immune system. As an STI, HIV usually spreads through sexual contact, sharing needles, injecting illegal substances, touching infected blood or while expecting, giving birth, or nursing a baby where it passes from mother to kid. It can take years without treatment for HIV to compromise the immune system to the point where the patient develops AIDS.

  • Treatment

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the most successful HIV treatment. It consists of various medications and is designed to reduce the virus in your child’s body. Antiretroviral drugs limit the virus's growth rate. By lowering the amount of viruses in the body, these medications can keep your child healthy.

Following the commencement of the therapy, your child must take medications exactly as the doctor prescribes. It is frequently the case that HIV has developed drug resistance, making treatment ineffective.

  • AIDS treatment

If HIV develops to a late stage, treatment will be initiated or sustained to maintain the healthiest immune system possible. The doctor will treat any indicators of AIDS, such as Kaposi's sarcoma and Pneumocystis pneumonia.

Vaccinations Program

Individuals and groups can protect themselves against various infectious diseases by getting vaccinations. The Manipal Hospital acknowledges the value of immunisation. It supplies a thorough vaccination programme that accommodates multiple needs, including catch-up immunisations, travel-related immunisations, and unique circumstances like immunodeficiency.

  • Treatment

  • Catch-up Vaccinations

The Catch-up Vaccination Program at Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road aims to bridge the immunisation gaps in individuals who have missed or delayed their routine vaccinations. It is designed to ensure that individuals of all age groups, from infants to adults, receive the necessary vaccines to protect them from preventable diseases. The program follows national and international immunisation guidelines, tailoring the schedule based on the individual's age, medical history, and risk factors.

  • Vaccinations for Travel:

At Manipal Hospitals, we recognise the importance of travel vaccinations in preventing the spread of infectious diseases across borders. The Travel Vaccination Program offers a range of vaccines tailored to specific travel destinations and associated risks. Whether for business or leisure travel, the program provides guidance on recommended vaccines such as hepatitis A and B, typhoid, yellow fever, meningococcal, and others based on the traveller's itinerary and individual health status.

Vaccinations in Special Situations (Immunodeficiency)

For individuals with immunodeficiency conditions, such as those undergoing chemotherapy, organ transplant recipients, or individuals with congenital immunodeficiency disorders, the Vaccination Program provides specialised care and offers a targeted approach, ensuring the timely administration of appropriate vaccines to strengthen their immunity.


The top paediatrics infectious disease hospital and the team of pediatric infectious doctors in Old Airport Road embodies excellence, providing wide-ranging and expert care for kids with infectious disorders. The hospital adheres to delivering the highest-quality possible medical treatment and achieving favourable health outcomes for paediatric patients and has a committed staff of skilled paediatric infectious disease specialists. To establish a nurturing atmosphere for young patients and their families, the hospital combines medical competence, compassionate care, and family-centred assistance in a multidisciplinary approach. Aiming to lessen the burden of infectious diseases on the populace, the hospital strongly emphasises preventive measures, and it is an essential part of community education and immunisation programmes.

Pediatric Infectious Disease Hospital in Old Airport road

Facilities & Services

The Paediatrics infectious disease department offers various services, including paediatric intensive care units (PICU), general paediatrics, neonatal intensive care units (NICU), paediatric orthopaedics, paediatric neurology, paediatric pulmonology, and more. Due to their contagious nature and severity, it is essential to control and treat infectious diseases carefully. 

The Specialised children centre at Manipal Hospitals is accompanied by a microbiological and pathological lab, blood bank, radiology department, outpatient and inpatient treatment, and a child and parent-focused emergency room that is all well-equipped to cater to the need of our paediatric populations. The multidisciplinary approach is another USP of Manipal Hospitals where our paediatric infectious disease specialists work collectively to diagnose and treat complex cases. Sterile environments and the diagnostic and treatment facilities available to the department make Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road a trusted and reliable healthcare facility not only in Karnataka but in India.


At Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, we offer specialised care, diagnosis, and treatment for children with paediatric infectious diseases, such as congenital infections, complicated pneumonia, HIV & AIDS, immunodeficiency, and more.

Yes, we provide a comprehensive range of vaccinations to protect children from various catch-up immunisations, travel-related immunisations, and unique circumstances like immunodeficiency.

Common symptoms when you should seek consultation with a Paediatric Infectious Disease (PID) Specialist include fever, cough, rash, diarrhoea, vomiting, fatigue, and respiratory difficulties.

Our paediatric infectious disease specialists have extensive experience diagnosing and treating both, seasonal and rare infectious diseases.

Yes, we offer travel consultations, recommendations, and necessary vaccinations tailored to your child's destination.

Practising good hygiene, ensuring up-to-date vaccinations, and avoiding contact with sick individuals are essential preventive measures to keep your child away from all infectious diseases.

Yes, we provide counselling, education, and support services to help families navigate the challenges of managing infectious diseases.

Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to accurately and timely diagnose paediatric infectious diseases.