
Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Consultant - Orthopedics

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Reviewed by

Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Consultant - Orthopedics

Manipal Hospitals, Ghaziabad

How Can Knee Joint Replacement Change Your Lifestyle?

Reviewed by:

Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Posted On: Sep 12, 2022

Knee Joint Replacement in Ghaziabad

Knee joint replacement is a surgical procedure to replace the damaged cartilage and bone in the knee joint with an artificial implant. The surgery can help alleviate pain, improve function and increase mobility. The knees are important joints in the body that help to bear a lot of weight and enable activities like walking and running. Any injury or damage to the knees results in pain and mobility issues. 

The knee has many moving parts that allow it to bend forward, backwards, and side-to-side. With every step you take, your knees absorb the impact from your body's weight by bending so that when you land on one foot (with each step), it absorbs some of the shocks of landing before straightening again for the next step. 

This repeated stress over time can cause wear on cartilage or damage to ligaments or tendons around the knee joint - causing inflammation which causes pain.

Patella - The largest sesamoid bone in the human body

The patella (knee cap) is a small sesamoid bone in front of the knee joint. It is made of cartilage and helps to protect the knee joint. The patella is held in place by ligaments, including:

  • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)

  • Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)

The ACL and PCL are strong ligaments that attach to your femur bone, which runs through the middle of your thigh, connecting it to your tibia bone. The ACL helps prevent excessive forward movement of your tibia when you bend or twist your leg inward; this helps keep pressure off your meniscus.

Fractures, dislocation, sprains and strains are some common knee joint injuries

Knee injuries happen across all age groups and can result from a traumatic event, chronic overuse or an inflammatory condition.

The common knee injuries are fractures, dislocation, sprains and strains. The knee joint comprises bones (femur and tibia), muscles, tendons and ligaments that connect the femur to the tibia. It is also commonly referred to as your "joint" because it joins two bones together with cartilage between them to allow movement in all directions.

Injuries can occur when there is damage to any part of this structure, including:

  • Fractures 

when a bone breaks due to trauma or excessive force on the body. Fractures can be open (a break-through skin) or closed (not visible).

  • Dislocations 

when one end of a joint moves out of its normal position due to injury or disease such as osteoarthritis, causing wear-and-tear within joints over time. It causes pain from friction between opposing ends during movement, causing loss of function due to restricted movement causing stiffness, making everyday tasks challenging at best, like sitting down, getting up and standing.

Arthritis: Common cause of Knee Joint Surgery

Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints. It causes pain and stiffness, eventually leading to loss of movement Injury, infection, or overuse may cause arthritis. Arthritis affects people of all age groups but most often occurs in older adults. The cartilage that cushions the ends of bones wears down over time with use. As this happens, you may feel pain or have difficulty moving your joint.

Surgery can treat knee injuries. However, doctors do not recommend surgery for everyone for reasons such as age or existing medical conditions. Doctors suggest knee joint replacement alternatives for such patients. Book an appointment at our Orthopaedics Hospital in Ghaziabad for the best treatments.

Surgery involves removing damaged pieces of cartilage and then replacing them with a synthetic material called an implant which helps cushion against friction between bones within joints allowing more movement without pain while also protecting against further damage over time - but they come at an expense! 

The procedure of Knee Joint Replacement Surgery

The knee joint replacement surgery aims at restoring function in severely diseased knee joints by replacing damaged cartilage with an artificial joint. Knee joint replacement surgery is the process of replacing a damaged knee with an artificial implant. The two main types of knee joint replacements are total knee replacement and partial knee replacement. An implant made from metal and plastic replaces the entire knee joint in a total knee replacement. In contrast, with a partial knee replacement, only part of your existing joint will be removed and replaced with metal with some plastic or ceramic material at its core to hold it in place while still allowing some movement between your bones.

Total Knee Replacement

Performed when there is severe damage to one or both knees that other means such as medication or physical therapy can't manage, for example, arthritis (joint inflammation) in either knee. In that case, we may recommend this procedure for you if nothing else works well enough over time to relieve pain.

A total knee replacement replaces all three knee joint bones - the femur, tibia and patella.

  • The femur is your thigh bone.

  • The tibia is a long bone in your lower leg, running from below the knee to under your ankle.

  • The patella (or kneecap) is the top of the shinbone, where it joins with your quadriceps tendon.

The surgeon removes any diseased tissue from inside or around these bones and replaces them with artificial parts made of titanium fixed together using strong screws or unique nails to hold them in place while they heal.

Partial Knee Replacement

Partial knee replacement replaces only one of those bones with artificial material. Partial knee joint replacement is a surgery that replaces only one of the three bones in the knee joint, a less invasive surgery. 

When there is only one area of damage to the joint and your surgeon believes that removing just part of it will eliminate your pain, a partial knee replacement is helpful.

In partial knee replacements, part of your damaged cartilage (the smooth surface on top of your thigh bone) is removed and replaced with metal or plastic parts from another donor's body. These artificial materials are more durable than healthy cartilage and last longer without wearing down over time.

Post-operative recovery from Knee Joint Replacement Surgery

Post-operative recovery can be a slow process, but it is essential to follow strict rehabilitation guidelines provided by your surgeon to get good surgery results. The rehabilitation process can be slow and painful when you have knee joint replacement surgery and pain. The surgery will not fix the problem overnight, but it will increase your ability to move around and do things that were once impossible for you.

However, this does not mean recovery from knee replacement surgery is easy or quick. It may take a few weeks to revert to normal after surgery, and even then, there are certain activities which may still cause pain or discomfort in the affected joint.mThe rehabilitation process involves following the recommendations of your orthopaedic.

Patients may experience swelling around the area where the surgery took place, needing bed rest until the swelling goes down, typically three days. Doctors also observe and treat signs of infection after knee joint replacement. 

When you are facing difficulty walking or carrying out normal daily activities because of pain in your knees, you need to consult the best knee or joint replacement surgeon, in Ghaziabad. 

Can you run after knee joint replacement?

Yes, your doctor and the team of experts, including physiotherapists and sports medicine experts, work to create a plan to help you get back on the track for running. Resuming running may take up to six months with gradual progress. 

Best knee joint replacement surgeon in India 

Knee joint replacement surgery is a complex procedure. Manipal Hospitals is known for having the best knee joint replacement surgeon in Ghaziabad. Apart from the best knee joint replacement surgeon in Ghaziabad, we have world-class facilities like:

  • The entire range of acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders 

  • State-of-the-art trauma & accident surgery

  • Sports medicine

  • Arthroscopy

  • Joint replacements

  • Limb deformity correction

  • Reconstruction ortho oncology

  • Hand and wrist 

  • Pediatric ortho care

Knee joint replacement surgery is an excellent option for patients with severe knee pain. If you are suffering from knee pain, it is time to get the most satisfactory treatment from the best knee joint replacement surgeon in Ghaziabad. 

Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Consultant - Orthopaedics

Manipal Hospitals, Ghaziabad

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