General Surgery Hospital in Ghaziabad
Best General Surgery Hospitals | General Surgery Clinic

General Surgery

Best General Surgery Hospitals

Surgery usually involves cutting into the body to remove or repair a part of it. The most common surgical procedures remove tumors, repair damaged organs and tissues, or correct congenital abnormalities. General surgeons may perform minimally invasive procedures, such as laparoscopic, arthroscopic, or open surgeries. In addition to treating cancerous tumors, general surgeons may be involved in treating patients with injuries sustained during accidents and illnesses that affect the digestive system or other body parts. Manipal Hospitals is the finest general surgery hospital in Ghaziabad and offers an entire range of surgical expertise.

General Surgeon in Ghaziabad


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

Manipal Hospitals is the best general surgery hospital in Ghaziabad. The department of general surgery has world-class facilities and a high success rate. Our patient care and expertise set us apart. Our surgeons work with specialists like anesthesiologists, radiologists, cardiologists, and paediatricians to provide comprehensive surgical care. The thousands of successful patients make us the best hospital in Ghaziabad. Our experts include the most trusted general surgeons in Ghaziabad.

Treatment & Procedures

Paronychia Nail Infection

Paronychia Nail Infection is a tender bacterial or fungal nail infection of the hand or foot. It usually occurs where the nail and skin meet at the side or the base of a finger or toe nail.

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Sebaceous Cysts

Sebaceous Cysts are small, painless, slow-growing, non-cancerous bumps beneath the skin. They contain liquid or semi-liquid material and are mostly found on the face, neck, or torso areas.

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FNAC Procedure

FNAC or Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology involves using a thin, hollow needle to remove samples of cells from tissue or fluid in an organ or a lump. This is usually done to identify the type of cells inside a lump found in the breast or a gland in the neck, like the thyroid gland. It is a very useful way for detecting cancer.

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Laparoscopic appendectomy

This is a minimally invasive surgery to remove the appendix from the body. The appendix is a small pocket in the large intestine that serves no recorded purpose in the human body. However, it is only removed when it begins causing pain or other symptoms. The appendix is removed with a laparoscope through a small incision in the abdomen. The surgery…

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Lipoma Excision

A lipoma is a non-cancerous, fatty lump that usually shows no symptoms or cause problems. Lipomas are located just under the skin and move easily when pressure is applied. They commonly occur in the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, arms and thigh areas. If the lipoma is bothersome, painful or growing, surgical excision may be required.

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Skin Abscess

A skin abscess is a pocket of pus that appears within or below the skin’s surface. This bump is usually full of pus or translucent fluid. It is typically due to a bacterial infection. It may appear on any part of the body.

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Ingrown Toe Nail

Ingrown toe nails occur when the edges or corners of nails grow into the skin next to the nail. The big toe is most likely to get an ingrown toe nail.

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Best General Surgery Hospitals | General Surgery Clinic - Manipal Hospital

Common Surgery Areas

A general surgeon understands the essential areas of surgery which include:

  • Digestive Tract

  • Abdomen

  • Skin and Soft Tissues

  • Head 

  • Neck

  • Hormones and Glands

  • Cancer

  • Traumatic Injuries

  • Critically ill Patients 

Benefits of Surgery

Surgery is a treatment option for various diseases, disorders, and conditions.

  • Diagnosis of a disease or disorder.

  • Remove damaged organs or tissue.

  • Repair tissues or organs. 

  • Remove an obstruction like stones, malignancies and lumps.

  • Repair tissues or organs.

  • Manage implants. 

  • Redirect blood vessels. 

  • Prevent disease progression.

  • Identify and remove the infection source.

  • Improve survival chances. 

  • Provide relief from disease-associated symptoms.

  • Provide relief from persistent pain


  • Biopsy

A Biopsy is extracting a tiny body tissue for examination under a microscope. The surgeon removes the tissue during surgery or an endoscopic procedure and then sends it to a laboratory for analysis.

The biopsy can diagnose cancer and other diseases that affect the tissue. Visit Manipal Hospitals, the best hospital in Ghaziabad to know more about Biopsy.

  • FNAC Procedure

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) diagnoses breast cancer. A surgeon uses a thin needle to remove samples of breast tissue to examine under a microscope for abnormal cells.

  • Imaging 

Diagnostic imaging is the process of using various forms of imaging to diagnose disease. Imaging includes X-rays, CT scans and MRIs.

  • X-ray

An X-ray uses low-dose radiation to produce images of the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. 

  • CT Scan

A CT scan uses X-rays to create cross-sectional images of the internal organs and body parts without radiation exposure. 

  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

An MRI machine uses magnetic waves instead of X-rays to create detailed images of your internal organs without radiation exposure.


  • Lipoma Excision

Lipoma excision is a minor surgical procedure to remove a lipoma, a benign tumour that grows from fat cells. Lipomas are common in the lower back, neck, arms and legs. 

Lipomas are noncancerous and do not spread. They usually do not cause problems but may become painful if they grow large enough to press on nerves or organs. Some people also want their lipomas removed for cosmetic reasons.

The surgeon makes an incision over the affected area and removes the entire tumour. 

  • Skin Abscess

A skin abscess causes pus to build up under the skin resulting in infection and a soft white or yellow bump on the skin.

Skin abscesses appear anywhere on the body, most commonly on the face, scalp, neck, underarms and hands. They are common in people with diabetes or who have had recent surgery. Book an appointment today to consult with the best doctors.

If they do not improve after two days with antibiotics, a surgeon will drain the abscess by making a small cut into it.

  • Ingrown Toe Nail

An ingrown toenail is the growth of the nail into the surrounding skin, which causes pain and discomfort. It can be caused by wearing too tight shoes or a nasty cut. The condition can also be hereditary.

Surgery treats severe cases of ingrown toenails. Surgeons remove the diseased part of the nail. The healthy tissue will grow back normally in about six weeks after surgery.

  • Paronychia Nail Infection

Paronychia is a common skin infection around the nails. It usually develops with damaged cuticles, such as from picking at them or wearing tight shoes.

Paronychia may require surgery to drain pus from under the nail and remove dead tissue.

  • Sebaceous Cysts

Sebaceous cysts are small, fluid-filled lumps that grow on the skin. While they are primarily painless, they can cause discomfort if they occur in sensitive areas, such as the eyelids or armpits. 

They form when a blocked oil gland inflames and fills with a thick yellow substance called sebum and usually appear on the face, neck, chest, back, or scalp. Some Sebaceous cysts may require surgery to remove them altogether.

  • Laparoscopic Appendectomy

Laparoscopic Appendectomy removes the appendix. The appendix is a small, finger-like tube that extends from the large intestine and connects to the cecum (a pouch-like structure).

The laparoscopic appendectomy procedure involves making an incision on the lower right abdomen, inserting a camera and instruments through this incision and removing the appendix. The small incisions are closed with stitches or staples.

  • Tonsillectomy

Tonsillectomy is the removal of the tonsils, two small lumps of tissue located at the back of the throat. Tonsils help fight infections and prevent bacteria from entering the body through the mouth.

Tonsillectomy takes about 30 minutes and usually heals in about two weeks.

  • Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy removes all or part of the uterus. The procedure happens for various reasons, including fibroid tumours, cervical cancer and endometriosis. 

Hysterectomy is a major operation that requires significant recovery time before patients can resume normal activities like work and exercise. 

  • Skin Grafting 

Skin grafting involves the replacement of skin or other tissue from one part of the body with healthy skin or other tissue from another part of the body. Skin grafts treat burns, wounds, and ulcers. The most common type of skin graft is a full-thickness skin graft, which involves removing healthy skin from one body part and placing it over a wound, burn, or ulcer on another part of the body. Contact Manipal Hospitals to have the best treatment.

Open wounds require an incision to remove healthy tissue from another body part and place it over the affected area. Closed wounds do not require an incision; instead, surgeons can use tape or glue to help hold together two pieces of tissue without making any cuts.

  • Gastrointestinal Surgery 

Gastrointestinal surgery involves the removal of part of the stomach, small intestine or colon.

The procedure may treat cancer or correct problems with digestion caused by obesity. The surgery can be open (in which the surgeon makes a large incision) or minimally invasive (in which the surgeon makes several small incisions).

  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy 

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy involves removing the gallbladder through laparoscopic (small incisions) procedures. The gallbladder stores bile, which helps break down food in the digestive system. The gallbladder can become inflamed or infected or develop a blockage that prevents bile from flowing out of the organ and into the intestine.

A small abdomen incision inserts a thin tube called a laparoscope. The laparoscope contains a light and camera and allows the doctor to see inside the abdomen on a video monitor. 

  • Hernia Repair 

Hernia repair treats an abnormal protrusion of tissue or part of an internal organ through the wall of a body cavity. Hernia repair may be done to correct a small area of bulging tissue (such as a belly button) or may repair the entire abdominal wall.

Hernias often result from injury or strain to the abdominal wall muscles, which can weaken them and cause them to separate. Other causes of hernias include weak connective tissue between muscle layers, which can allow intestines or other organs to push through.

  • Laparoscopic Colectomy 

Laparoscopic colectomy removes the colon and rectum by making small incisions in the abdomen or laparoscopically, allowing surgeons to remove tumours and other growths from the colon and perform certain types of bowel resections.

The surgeon removes the affected part of the colon and any cancerous tissue. 

  • Laparoscopic Splenectomy 

Laparoscopic splenectomy removes the spleen through an incision in the abdomen. The process involves removing the spleen via tiny incisions, or ports, and instruments inserted into the abdomen through those ports. 

The process helps treat a ruptured spleen resulting in a higher risk of infections.

  • Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery

Minimally invasive thoracic surgery uses smaller incisions to perform lung, heart, or oesophagus procedures. It treats various conditions and diseases, including lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease. 

Surgeons use one or two small incisions instead of opening up the chest wall to access the organs, reducing pain and complications after surgery and speeding up patient recovery.

  • Minimally Invasive Gynaecological Surgery

Minimally invasive gynaecological surgery helps patients to remove fibroids, endometriosis and other growths, as well as to treat abnormal bleeding. It also removes cancerous growths and other conditions.

The procedure involves the use of small instruments via tiny incisions.

Visit the general surgery clinic to get the best treatment with the help of a team of general surgeons in Ghaziabad.

Best General Surgery Hospitals | General Surgery Clinic - Manipal Hospital

Facilities & Services

Manipal Hospitals is the most trusted general surgery hospital in Ghaziabad and offers state-of-the-art facilities like:

  • Minimally Invasive Surgeries

  • Laparoscopic Surgeries

  • Stapler Surgeries

  • Laser Surgeries

  • Fine Needle Aspiration (FNAC) Procedure

  • Surgeries

    • Gastrointestinal Surgery

    • Gynecological Surgery

    • Haemorrhoidectomy

    • Thyroidectomy

    • Appendicectomy

    • Trauma Surgery

    • Lipoma Excision

    • Caesarean Section

    • Tonsillectomy

    • Skin Grafting

    • Cholecystectomy

    • Inguinal Hernia and Umbilical Repair

    • Colectomy and Splenectomy


Typically, you would approach a general surgeon with a diagnosis in hand. The surgeon examines the details of the case and makes a surgical plan based on scans and imaging. Then a date is set for surgery and any preparation or pre-surgical conditions that need to be met, are explained to the patient.

All surgical procedures carry an inherent amount of risk with them. Some surgical procedures are safer than others, and modern operating rooms are well equipped to deal with even extreme complications. The surgical risk, however, is amplified by certain medical conditions.

Depending on the type of surgery, and the nature of the underlying condition that made the surgery necessary, a surgeon will prescribe a period of time where the patient must be under observation. Minimally invasive surgeries heal quite quickly and do not cause much discomfort, larger incisions, however, can take much longer to heal.

Surgical procedures are generally not recommended by doctors when there is a safer alternative available. However, sometimes surgery is necessary because it is the most effective treatment available.

General surgery risks include bleeding, infection, blood clots in the lungs, and organ failure. These are all common risks that can occur during or after surgery.

The finest general surgeon in Ghaziabad ensures minimal risk of surgery by using medications.

Appendix surgery removes the appendix, a small tube attached to the large intestine. 

When the appendix becomes inflamed or infected or if it has ruptured. It results in a painful condition, causing abdomen pain, fever, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and sometimes constipation or diarrhoea. 

Seek an appointment with the best general surgery hospital in Ghaziabad for treatment for appendix conditions.

General anaesthesia puts a patient in a state of unconsciousness. It involves the administration of an anaesthetic agent to induce unconsciousness. 

Local anaesthesia is a technique where an area of the body is numbed by administering local anaesthetic drugs. Local anaesthesia aims to prevent pain at the surgery site.

Surgery is a big deal. Preparing for what is coming is essential.

  • Follow prescriptions and instructions from the doctor. 

  • Ask questions about what to expect during or after the surgery, which will help reduce anxiety. 

  • Follow the diet restrictions before the surgery, but drink plenty of fluids if allowed.

  • Speak to consultants at the hospital, friends, and family.

Manipal Hospitals is committed to giving its patients personalized treatment and care of the highest quality. The long term relationships we build with our patients and the lives made better by the Department of General Surgery are a testament to this.

Contact us to know more about general surgery and book an appointment with one of our surgical specialists today.
