
Dr. Nitin Kumar

Consultant - Nephrology

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Reviewed by

Dr. Nitin Kumar

Consultant - Nephrology

Manipal Hospitals, Patiala

All About Common Kidney Procedures and Kidney Transplant

Reviewed by:

Dr. Nitin Kumar

Posted On: Oct 11, 2022

Kidney transplant treatment in Patiala

What happens to a machine, when a part is worn beyond repair? We replace it with a new one so the machine won’t stop. The human body is complex, living machinery that works with the combined efforts of all the organs contained inside it. Each organ plays its own unique role in keeping us alive. When an organ fails to work as per requirement, it is said to undergo failure. This failure could be attributed to disease, injury, or genetic deformity.

Kidneys are the filtration units of the body that help remove waste products from the blood. When the waste is filtered out from the body, urine is formed. This is collected into the urinary bladder and removed from the body. A normal, healthy individual has two functional kidneys in the body, which can filter 200L of fluid in a single day. Book an appointment to know more about the treatment facilities.

When kidney function is impaired, a person may require artificial support for blood filtration. When a medical device is used to perform some of the functions of a healthy kidney, we call it Dialysis or Hemodialysis. There are various ways this procedure is carried out and may vary depending on the needs of the patients. Count on Manipal Hospitals, one of the most trusted kidney hospitals in Patiala. Continue reading to know more about the common procedures done to treat kidney disorders and kidney transplants. 


The use of artificial support of a machine to filter blood, which uses synthetic membranes to process wastes from the blood. The process is designed to mimic the natural process which takes place inside the kidneys. This process is used to support kidney function while a patient is undergoing treatment for the underlying disease which is hampering overall kidney function. It may also be used as a backup mechanism until a compatible donor is found for a kidney transplant. 

Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy

This is a type of therapy that is used for patients experiencing Acute Kidney Infection (AKI). This therapy also filters out blood using the artificial support of a specialized machine. During this therapy, the filters remove specific uremic toxins from the blood and return waste-free blood back to the body. This procedure usually takes up to 24 h to complete, as it is done at a slow pace to mimic natural body processes. This is exceptionally beneficial for patients suffering from unstable blood pressure or heart rates, which is termed a hemodynamically unstable condition in medical terminology. Book an appointment today for Kidney transplant treatment in Patiala.

Peritoneal Dialysis

This is a dialysis procedure that utilizes the peritoneal cavity or abdominal region of the body as the membrane for dialysis procedure. The procedure helps balance electrolytes and remove wastes from the blood. This is a sustained procedure, which has good outcomes for patients suffering from pre-existing heart conditions. The downside of the procedure is the possible chances of infection in the abdomen. 

While medical technology-assisted dialysis is a procedure that has become a life-saving alternative for patients suffering from kidney disorders, a Kidney Transplant is the ultimate cure for lasting relief. Peritoneal dialysis may be performed at regular intervals in a patient throughout the day, this is known as Continous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) or it may be done at a continuous stretch during the night, known as Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD).

Kidney Transplant

A kidney Transplant is a medical procedure in which a healthy kidney is transplanted into a patient suffering from acute kidney failure or end-stage renal disease. The healthy kidney may be sourced from a living, healthy donor who happens to be a compatible match for the recipient. Such cases are called living donations. When a kidney from a deceased person is transplanted into a patient needing transplant, we call it a deceased donation. 

A kidney transplant may be an option if your kidneys have been completely damaged. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) or end-stage kidney disease is the term used to describe this ailment (ESKD). If you get to this point, your doctor will probably suggest dialysis. Your doctor will analyze your medical reports to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for a kidney transplant in addition to starting you on dialysis.

To be a suitable candidate for a transplant, you must be in sufficient health to undergo major surgery and be willing to follow the advised regimen after surgery. A kidney transplant may be risky or unlikely to be effective if you have a major underlying medical condition. These severe situations comprise significant illnesses, such as tuberculosis, bone infections, hepatitis, or recent history of malignancy, cancer, severe cardiovascular disease, or liver illness. For more clarity, consult with our Nephrologist in Patiala.

You must undergo an evaluation at a transplant clinic if your doctor believes you will benefit from the procedure and you are interested in having one. This assessment typically takes place over numerous visits in order to evaluate your psychological and physical health. Additionally, they'll perform a thorough physical examination on you to make sure you're fit enough for surgery. At Manipal Hospitals Patiala, we have highly qualified and experienced nephrologists in Patiala, who can guide you on various aspects related to kidney transplants and other common procedures. Bookmark our blog page for reliable information about various diseases and their treatment options.

Dr. Nitin Kumar

Consultant - Nephrology

Manipal Hospitals, Patiala

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