
Dr. Gagandeep Kaur

Consultant - Paediatrics & Neonatology

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Dr. Gagandeep Kaur

Consultant - Paediatrics & Neonatology

Manipal Hospitals, Patiala

How To Maintain Sleep Schedules And Improve Child Health

Posted On: Jan 13, 2023

blogs read 3 Min Read

Sleep Medicine Specialist in Patiala

A good laugh and a long sleep are some of the best remedies that rejuvenate us daily. Sleep is a way of resting for humans. Everybody needs sleep, and some need it more than others. 

Depending on the age and phase of growth, your child may need more sleep. During sleep, the body's energy consumption drops drastically, and this drop helps growth and repair. Therefore, adequate sleep is a must. 

Different Ages and Their Sleep Requirements

As per medical studies by experienced child experts, different age groups require varied amounts of sleep during the day. It is essential to maintain the growth and hormonal balance of the body along with the circadian rhythm. 

  • Babies

For babies of 1- 2 years of age, 11-14 hours of sleep is normal and healthy. This shall include them in between naps and siestas. 

  • Toddlers

For toddlers between 3-5 years of age, 10-13 hours of sleep is healthy and normal. 

  • Children 

For children in the age groups between 6- 13 years of age, sleeping for 9-12 hours a day is normal and healthy.

  • Adolescents

For adolescents and teens (14-17 years of age), sleeping for 8-10 hours a day is fine.

The circadian rhythm of the body plays a crucial role in hormone balance and maintaining health. Sleep quality is as important as sleep quantity when it comes to health. For each age group listed above, the number of hours of sleep is vital along with the timings. Ensuring regular and routine hours of sleep is equally important as ensuring that the child gets proper nutrition. If your child is experiencing any sleep apnea or other issues, it is advised to visit a top Pulmonology hospital in Patiala for sleep study and treatment. 

Sleep and Its Phases

Sleep is broadly classified into the REM phase (Rapid eye movement phase) and the Deep Sleep phase. 

In further studies, it has been observed that there are many more divisions to the sleep phases, and each of them corresponds to a different type of brain wave activity and development in the child. 

Steps to Improve Sleep Quality

  • Nutrition 

Ensure a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is followed, and avoid overeating. Heavy food before bedtime can lead to disturbed sleep and reduced sleep quality.

  • Lights out 

Ensuring no screen time at least an hour before bed. It helps to relax the eyes and promotes quality sleep.

  • Milk 

A glass of warm milk before bedtime has been found beneficial to promote sleep and relaxation in the body (Not recommended for those with lactose intolerance).

  • Meditation 

 Meditation and slow breathing exercises before bedtime can help one relax and fall asleep easily.

  • Relaxation 

Music or bedtime stories are a fun way to put children to sleep and bring them adequate relaxation.

Sleep Related Issues in Children

  • Hyperactivity 

Children are usually full of energy and are often called bundles of joy. But this hyperactivity can indicate improper sleep and impaired growth and development.

  • Bedwetting 

Children may show bedwetting issues at a young age, but if the problem persists, it could be a sign of underlying mental or physical issues. Consulting a Sleep medicine specialist in Patiala becomes paramount in such a situation.

  • Nightmares 

Often children wake up at odd hours complaining of nightmares or other issues. This could also be due to physical conditions or other factors in their environment at school etc. Consulting a child specialist can help improve the child’s sleep quality. 

At Manipal Hospitals, Patiala, we have some of the best pediatricians in the city working tirelessly to help improve child health and support overall health in young adults. For further inquiries, visit Manipal Hospitals Patiala, or book an appointment today.

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