Total Knee Replacement Hospital in Whitefield

Total Knee Replacement

Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Whitefield | Manipal Hospitals

What Is a Knee Replacement?

The knee joint has three parts. The thighbone (the femur) meets the large shin bone to form the main knee joint. This joint has an inner and an outer compartment. The kneecap joins the femur to form a third joint.

Knee replacement helps relieve pain and restore function in severely diseased knee joints. Knee replacement surgery is almost the only way to get rid of severe pain caused due to osteoarthritis. People who suffer from problems in walking, climbing stairs, and getting in and out of chairs are usually the ones who need knee replacement surgery. Knee replacement can be performed as a partial or a total knee replacement. Partial knee replacement, also called unicompartmental arthroplasty (UKA), is an option for some patients.

People with severe arthritis and people with severe destruction of the knee joint associated with progressive pain and impaired functions should consider a total knee replacement.

Manipal hospital is the best orthopedic surgery hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore having best knee replacement surgeon in Whitefield, Bangalore.

What is Total Knee Replacement (TKR)?

Total knee replacement is a procedure to replace the knee joint with an artificial (prosthetic) knee joint. The prosthetic knee joint (prosthesis) may be made of metal, plastic or ceramic. It replaces parts of the thigh bone (femur), lower leg bone (tibia), and kneecap (patella) that are removed during the procedure.

The signs that indicate the need for a total knee replacement

  • Brutal knee pain that restricts your everyday activities.

  • Moderate or cruel pain in the knee while resting, day or night.

  • Prolonged inflammation and swelling in the knee that doesn’t heal with proper rest or medications.

  • A bowing in or out of your leg.

Before The Procedure

  • Ask your doctor about:

    - Changing or stopping your regular medicines. This is especially important if you are taking diabetes medicines or blood thinners.
    - Taking medicines such as aspirin and ibuprofen. These medicines can thin your blood. Do not take these medicines before your procedure if your doctor instructs you not to.
  • Have dental care and routine cleanings completed before your procedure. Plan to not have dental work done for 3 months after your procedure. Germs from anywhere in your body, including your mouth, can travel to your new joint and infect it.

  • Follow instructions from your doctor about eating or drinking restrictions.

  • Ask your doctor how your surgical site will be marked or identified.

  • You may be given antibiotic medicine to help prevent infection.

  • If your doctor prescribes physical therapy, do exercises as instructed.

  • Do not use any tobacco products, such as cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or e-cigarettes. If you need help quitting tobacco, ask your doctor.

  • You may have a physical exam and tests, such as X-rays, MRI, CT scan, and Bone scans.

  • You may have a blood or urine sample taken.

  • Take someone with you to take you home after the procedure.

  • If you will be going home right after the procedure, plan to have someone with you for at least 24 hours. It is recommended that you have someone to help care for you for at least 4–6 weeks after your procedure.

During The Procedure

An incision will be made in your knee. Damaged cartilage and bone will be removed from your femur, tibia, and patella. Parts of the prosthesis (liners) will be placed over the areas of bone and cartilage that were removed. A metal liner will be placed over your femur, and plastic liners will be placed over your tibia and the underside of your patella.

One or more small tubes (drains) may be placed near your incision to help drain extra fluid from your surgical site. Your incision will be closed with stitches (sutures), skin glue, or adhesive strips. Medicine may be applied to your incision. A bandage (dressing) will be placed over your incision. The procedure may vary among doctors and hospitals.

After The Procedure

  • The doctor will monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and blood oxygen level until the medicines you were given have worn off.

  • You may continue to receive fluids and medicines through an IV tube.

  • You will have some pain. Pain medicines will be available to help you.

  • You may have fluid coming from one or more drains in your incision.

  • You may have to wear compression stockings. These stockings help to prevent blood clots and reduce swelling in your legs.

  • You will be encouraged to move around as much as possible.

  • You may be given a continuous passive motion machine to use at home. You will be shown how to use this machine.

  • Do not drive for 24 hours if you received a sedative.

What Are the Benefits and Risks of Having Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Bangalore?

Total knee replacement helps increase mobility and reduces pain in patients who are suffering from an injured or arthritic knee joint. A high number of people who undergo knee replacement surgery suffer less pain and higher mobility in their knee after the surgery. Risks of post total knee replacement surgery depend in part on the age and overall condition of health of the person. Chronic health conditions can increase the risk of complications. There are certain complications such as infection or blood clots involved with knee replacement surgery; these complications can interfere with recovery.

For most patients, knee replacement brings in pain relief, increased mobility and a better quality of life. From three to six weeks after surgery, people are usually able to restart their general daily activities, such as shopping and moderate housekeeping. Patients can also start driving from about three weeks if they are able to bend their knee to sit in a car. After recovery, patients can resume different types of low-intensity activities, such as walking. But should avoid higher impact activities such as jogging.

Expert Total Knee Replacement Services at Manipal Whitefield Hospital

Manipal Hospital is the best total knee replacement surgery Hospital Whitefield, Bangalore with highly qualified and experienced knee replacement surgeons and a track of successful knee replacement surgery. The Orthopedics and Joint Replacement Center at our premises provides comprehensive care in the field of Orthopedics backed by highly advanced and the world-class technology and post-operative physical rehabilitation by physiotherapists. The team of experts leverages Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques (MIS), Navigation Technology and High-Quality Prosthesis to provide quick functional recovery and a shorter hospital stay, and a pain-free life post-treatment.

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